God hand game
God hand game

Just so you know though this game is not perfect that's why I gave it a 4 instead of a 5 though I really would like too give it a 5, you have no control over the camera as it is constantly set behind you so this of course can make knowing where some enemies are located at a royal pain and it also leads too a lot of seeing through walls and walls disapearing however this also puts you right in the fighting and man is the fighting awsome. I have not had this much fun playing a game in a long time. That word (sweet) constantly comes too my mind when I play this game. its all about passing on information that would be useful to someone else. don't sell all your moves to get money because believe me your gonna want to keep most of them. expect to fight alot of enemies and sometimes at once. the moves haven't been seen in a game since a not so well known fist of the northstar game that was out that not alot of people may have known about.the price is good also and the game is almost resident evil long. there are no cheats in this game so you have to use wit and strategy to win. its a very challenging game when you get the bosses and even the non bosses are also somewhat difficult. use your environment to unleash pain on your enemies. What i like about the game- the graphics aren't next gen but the gameplay is different and not so hard to get used to. not too many people dislike this game and its so original in alot of sense that there could be a huge franchise based off of it like devil may cry and resident evil. i hope they bring this to the new ps3 for a hopeful franchise. part maker clover studios i s from what i understanding closing its doors and maybe they shouldn't because this game has the all the workings of a franchise in the works.

god hand game

The only dislike i have about this game is that some of the level designs are sorta bland and the difficulty level even on normal the game shifts to how good you are or aren't. i like God hand because even though it borrows from resident evil, final fight, devil may cry and fist of the north star its the best of all those worlds. i read the reviews and some were on target and some were off target. capcom had a hand in it and that what was also a decision in me buying it. with this game i would say ps2 has come out with something original again.

god hand game

I decided to buy God hand because its one of the few PS2 games that are left to buy before you either go into the next generation of consoles and gaming or one get ready to be introduced to the new systems and games.

God hand game